Experience Coaching


"Love the art in yourself, not yourself in the art."



Coaches are trained to sink into your speaking and silence, to create a relationship where you lead and the coach follows and reflects not only your speaking, but whatever your shared intuition has to teach both the coach and the person being coached.


This mutual relationship is fed by trust.  It is both the coach and those being coached who create this trust and then build on this trust. Together, we discover where you stopped dreaming and locate your original authentic being.


Are you Living Forward?

Take the following assessment by indicating a number between 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest.  Check your results at the bottom!



1. You can see yourself loving your life five years from now.

2. You spend more time thinking about your future than you do your past.

3. You are able to be fully present and in the moment most of the time. 

4. You look forward to waking up and beginning your day.

5. You feel a deep sense of satisfaction with your important relationships
               in your life.

6. Life is joyful and abundant.

7. You set and reach goals regularly.

8. You feel a sense of purpose in your life.

9. You are clear about your values and what matters most.

10. You make choices based on your values and feel good about them

               most of the time. 

11. You are confident in your abilities to achieve what you want. 

12. You look at problems as an opportunity for growth and change. 




If you scored more than 48, you are well on your way towards Living Forward!  Keep up the good work!


If you scored less than 48, you may be missing opportunities to live an enriched life.  Contact us for a complimentary coaching session and Experience Coaching today by Living Forward.

Individual Coaching

In individual coaching, clients design a relationship with their coach based on what the client's needs are.  Some clients prefer face to face coaching, others prefer over the phone.  Sessions can be two, three or four times a month.  The client chooses the agenda.  For some people, it is the first time they feel truly listened to.  Coaching can lead to powerful results for people, resulting in greater feelings of satisfaction, living a value-driven life, increased love, relationship or money, or all of the above.


Group Coaching

Some individuals choose to work in a small group where everyone is being coached on the same issue.  The group can be about building a business, career changes and finding a job, balancing work and kids, weight loss etc.  The minimum requirement to start a small group is 3 people.   The structure is similar to individual coaching only the group designs the relationship. It is more affordable than individual coaching and people also learn from the others in the group.