About Us

The coaches at Living Forward LLC have a combined work experience of more than 40 years in the areas of organizational development and training, executive director-board relationships, counseling, mediation, conflict resolution and leadership development. We are a family-owned business connected by blood, shared values and a shared vision of what is possible in the world. We are all life-long learners; each on our own journey of self-discovery and transformation. We invite you to share your journey with us as you move forward into a fulfilled life of possibility.


The coaches at Living Forward LLC believe we learn as much as we reveal and as much as you reveal to yourself; how to name your gifts, honor where you are right now and explore new horizons for yourself and always to invite prosperity and peace into your life.


Coaching may at times unearth painful memories that are better worked out with a therapist, at Living Forward, LLC we have coaches who are licensed clinical social workers as well as a network of therapists who support the coaching theory and are willing to work in partnership with our coaches.  When therapy is the best form of support, we will provide resources we trust. 


Not every coach and client are a match.  It happens.  When this happens no one is wrong, it�s just not a fit.  Anytime you feel mismatched, a simple statement is all that is necessary and we will refer you to another certified coach who will meet your needs.

Come on in and meet us face to face.

Suzanne Ness,  M.A., CPCC
Rev. Louisett M. Ness,  ACC, CPC
Marybeth Urbin, LCSW, CPC, ACC

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