For $9.95 you can work on your own using our exclusive mobile web-based coaching app. When you purchase the 28 day app, you also get the following:
- Weekly “LiveCoach” Chats
- Monthly “Coach Huddles” via a telecall
- Access to tools and resources designed to help you stay in the game
- Access to a 30 minute coaching call if you want to schedule one*
- Access to your 28 day app for a full year
- Opportunities to purchase other 28 day apps on different topics*
Group Coaching:
If you want to put together a group- all it takes is 3 people to start- you can design a coaching group around a topic that is meaningful to you. Some examples include: wellness, training for a marathon, starting a business, balancing work and a family. Email to find out more.
Workshops and Trainings:
The coaches at Living Forward offer workshops throughout the year, both online and face to face. Click on the calendar to see upcoming events and to reserve a spot today. Calendar link here
For more information about offering personalized training or workshops to a specific group or place, email We provide workplace, corporate level training on quality of life topics such as balance, overcoming burnout, creating a vision board, managing conflict and motivational team-building workshops.
*The coaches at Living Forward are committed to offering coaching to anyone who wants it. We offer sliding scale rates. |